Blue Chip Jr NBA Week 5

Photos of the Week

If you would like to submit photos weekly to be featured for any games, click download photos above and then join the album and then upload your game photos.

Featured Games

Click the menu in the upper right of the video to see more featured games.

If you would like to have game tape to review with your team or to be able to share with friends and family make sure to have a team volunteer sign up to be a Game Tape Manager.


We now have a base profile of around 80 rec players and 50 elite members. So if your player expects to continue with basketball development then it is important that you make sure to complete a base profile.

Click the buttons below to go to the player profile entry page. if you register with the BCE website and log in before creating the profile you should be able to update/change the profile in the future. If you are unsure your player has a profile you can enter a new one and we will discard any duplicates.


Make sure to bookmark these pages below on your phones so you can easily check all the info you need, and you’ll easily know when the next academy or community practice is as well as game schedules, scores and standings.

These links below are only to Blue Chip Jr NBA League activities and schedules. Elite and Elite D-League activities are on their own separate system. If you cannot view them you need to make sure you are logged into your Dicks/Blue Sombrero account that you used to register your player for JR NBA Fall Season.