This is the roster submission form for teams in playoff-eligible divisions. Playoff divisions are currently:

Playoff Brackets
NBA West Top 4
NBA East Top 4
NCAA D1 West Top 8
NCAA D1 East Top 9
NCAA D2 West Top 6
NCAA D2 East Top 4
NCAA D3 West Top 4
All others get consolation matchups

Roster submittal is not mandatory but If a final team roster is not submitted before the start of the 1st pool play game 9/30 your team will only have a consolation game on playoff weekend. If you think your team may have a chance to make the playoffs you need to submit your roster now.

A team can roster up to 12 players and only players who have played in at least 2 pool play games may participate in a playoff or championship games.

Player headshots MUST BE CLEAR AND RECENT so the scorekeeper can easily identify the player on game day. Any profiles with non-conforming images will be rejected and the form will have to be resubmitted.

Any additions or changes needed to the roster just resubmit the player’s info and it will be added/changed in the master database.

Just pull this form up on your phone take a good headshot of your player complete the info and submit. You can also send the link to your players and they can submit their info.

IPHONE USERS – UPLOAD PHOTO FORMAT PROBLEM?How to switch from HEIF to JPEG photos on iPhone

  1. Open the Camera section in the Settings app.
  2. Under Formats, select “Most Compatible” instead of “High Efficiency”
  3. Take a new photo or video, and it’ll be saved as a JPEG or MPEG file instead of HEIF/HEVC.
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  • Headshot Framing Example
  • Take or upload a similarly framed image, as the outline above, of your player. Make sure it is a recent photo that they can easily be identified from when they are being game verified, well lit and preferably against a clean background. (If you are on your mobile or tablet you can click ‘drop your image here’ and select your camera to immediately take and submit your photo.)
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 1.
    • Hidden
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.